About Allotments

Winterbourne Parish Council has an allotment site with about 34 various sized plots which are classed as Statutory. Yearly licences run from 1st April until 31st March the following year on a continuum basis, the charging structure is on a M2 basis the current rate being 13p.

From time to time a plot will become vacant, and the criteria if there is a waiting list is: by application date from a parishioner to fill the tenancy, if there is no waiting list the plot is held over until a person applies to fill the tenancy from the parish, or from an adjoining parish which does not have an allotment plot.

Chickens, ducks and rabbits are permitted, but no other livestock. Permitted livestock must be house within a 6’ netted fence with hutches and feeding stations raised off the ground. New sheds must be raised off the ground by at least 8” on concrete blocks to reduce the vermin.

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