

Having started in 2010, in the Vicarage garden in Winterbourne Earls, pétanque has now gained a higher profile in the community thanks to the generous support given by Sarah and Jess at the Winterbourne Arms. With a terrain (at the end of the car park) big enough to allow three games to be played at once, the Winterbourne Arms has become the focus of both friendly and competitive pétanque playing. In 2021 the Winterbourne Arms entered a team into the local Hopback Friendly Pétanque League, playing teams from around Salisbury and the New Forest. The Pétanque Club meets regularly on Friday early evenings, and equipment is kept at the pub so anyone wishing to play can do so while visiting for a drink or a meal. Pétanque is a sociable sport, suitable for all ages and abilities, and Salisbury U3A has recently started using the terrain here on Thursday mornings. To find out more, please contact Peter Ostli-East 01980 611350 or Sarah at the pub 01980 619351

Newbourne Players (Drama Group)

The Newbourne Players (formerly the Idmiston Parish Drama Society) has been in existence for 56 years. Throughout its existence it has sought to appeal to anybody with interests in acting, music, audio/lighting, sound-effects, production, scenery-building, set design or costume. The NP have produced an impressive range of memorable and enjoyable productions that have included the annual village pantomimes, comedies, dramas, murder mysteries, reviews, concerts and themed social evenings. There is active youth section that has included extremely talented young people, some of whom progress to the main group or progressed to study drama at University.

The NP meet on Wednesday evenings at the Winterbourne Glebe Hall, at 7.30 p.m., throughout most of the year, either planning productions or theatre visits, undertaking play-readings/rehearsals or socialising. So, if you would like to be associated – in whatever capacity – with the drama group, we would love to hear from you by phone us Tracy: 01980 619309/07795-326916 or Graham: 01980-551033/07311-333252

Bourne Valley Singers

The Bourne Valley Singers was established in 1976 and is based in the Bourne Valley near Salisbury in Wiltshire. It is a women’s choir and meets every Wednesday evening 7:00 – 8:30 in the Methodist chapel in Winterbourne Dauntsey. The choir has a wide-ranging repertoire which includes songs of many genres, including folksongs, madrigals, spirituals, popular songs, and humorous songs. The Bourne Valley singers have in the past entered music festivals all over the south and have won many awards. Many local churches and charities have also benefited from funds raised by the choir.

We always welcome new ladies, so if you are interested please contact Anne French (07960 020150) or Isa Gauld (07976436101) for more information.

Girlguiding in the Winterbournes

We have 5 units in the Winterbournes providing Rainbows, Brownies and Guides the chance to discover their full potential. We give them a safe space to have fun, build their confidence and raise their aspirations.

  • Rainbows – 1st Winterbourne. For girls aged 5 to 7 years. Being a Rainbow is all about having the space to try new things and have fun. Rainbows learn by doing – they get their hands dirty, do sports, arts and crafts, and play games. Through taking part in a range of different activities with girls their own age, Rainbows develop self-confidence and make lots of new friends. For more information please contact
  • Brownies – 1st & 2nd Winterbourne. For girls aged 7 to 10 years. Brownies opens up a world of exciting challenges and the opportunity to try new things. Through regular meetings, special events, day trips, sleepovers and holidays Brownies learn new skills. For more information please contact
  • Guides – 1st Winterbourne. For girls aged 10 – 14 years. Guides get out there and challenge themselves to do something really different and become independent. At Guides explore new places, go on camps and trips and learn skills for life. For more information please contact

To find out more about the Girlguiding in the Winterbournes please email unit leaders directly or register your interest in joining here

Bourne Valley Scout Group

The Bourne Valley Scout Group caters for young people, boys and girls, between the ages of 6yrs to 14yrs. The group offer all the members age appropriate fun and adventure challenges, activities and nights away.

  • Beaver Scouts aged 6 – 8yrs meet on a Thursday Evening in Porton
  • Cub Scouts Aged 8 – 11yrs meet on a Tuesday Evening in Winterbourne Earls
  • Scouts 10 ½ – 14yrs
  • Figsbury Troop meet on a Tuesday Evening in Winterbourne Earls
  • Idmiston Troop meet on a Friday Evening in Porton

Group Contact Shirley Moores, Group Scout Leader 01980 611614.

Bourne Valley Historical Society

The Bourne Valley Historical Society was formed in 1948 by a small group of enthusiastic residents in the villages of the Winterbournes, their original aims were to collect, preserve and study documents relating to the history of the Winterbournes. Since the early days, we have expanded our territory to include the villages of the Bourne Valley between Hurdcott and Cholderton, although the main emphasis continues to be on the core region of the Winterbournes.

We hold monthly meetings (the third Thursday of the month) in the Winterbourne Glebe Hall, to which we invite speakers on local topics of interest. Where it is possible, we try to arrange guided visits to the sites of interest, as a follow up to lectures. Our archivist arranges a display of a selection of the Society’s documents and pictures at every meeting, which includes tea/coffee, and biscuits for a small donation.

The Society has an extensive and growing archive collection of books, journals, family papers, maps, photos, slides, and other documents. We have a full run of the Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History magazine going back to 1853, an original copy of Andrew’ and Drury’s 1773 map of Wiltshire and a complete set of the Wiltshire Record Society’s annual publications. We have also published several booklets on local subjects. For further details of the society click here BVHS – Bourne Valley Historical Society

Bourne Valley Horticultural Society and Gardening Club

We are a small, friendly village society. We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm at the Glebe Hall, Winterbourne Earls for talks by guest speakers on a wide variety of horticultural topics and also to bring and buy surplus home grown plants and garden produce. Other events include the competitive Annual Show, summer open gardens, occasional trips and social evenings.

For details of events and meetings click here

Winterbourne Cricket Club

Winterbourne Cricket Club is your friendly local club that looks to provide a great opportunity to play cricket, whatever your ability. From beginner to experienced player, our club can offer the opportunity to play at one of the most picturesque grounds in the area. The senior team plays in the Hampshire league on Saturdays, friendlies on Sundays and midweek league cricket too. Our thriving, ECB recognised, junior section offers cricket from the age of 6 all the way through to 15 with youngsters making it through to the senior team. The pavilion offers a bar and therefore even if you are not playing, come down and support your local team. To find out more, please visit site

Bourne Valley Day Centre

Bourne Valley Day Centre, known as Club Friday, is a charity providing a weekly day centre held on Fridays in Idmiston Village Hall for the elderly and lonely. Volunteers provide transport and the club is suitable for those who are fairly mobile and do not require personal care. The day includes coffee and a morning entertainment, gentle exercise or crafts, a hot lunch and the afternoon entertainment may be music, singing or a talk. The charge is £11 per guest and we meet from 10am-3pm. If you or a relative or person in your community might benefit by joining us, please get in touch. Similarly, we always need more volunteers and drivers.

Volunteer drivers receive a mileage allowance, and we hope to build up a rota so that this doesn’t need to be every Friday. Volunteers helping during the day, again on a rota, enjoy a day chatting with our guests, helping with activities and serving a prepared lunch. This could be a few hours, a full day and/or weekly or monthly, but a fulfilling role.

For further information contact the organiser Niki Hetreed on 0778931875.

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