Dyke’s Corner

This bend in the road in Winterbourne Dauntsey is known as “Dyke’s Corner”.  The old photographs show that it was a distinct corner, rather than a bend, before the widening and straightening of the road in the late 1960s.  During the works the thatched building on the right of the road and the reading room (not visible) were demolished.  The thatched cob wall to the right of Peacock Cottage was also demolished and replaced by a brick wall on a different orientation.

The clothes and caps worn by the boys in the first old photograph point to a date no later than about 1930.  The second old photograph was probably taken at about the same time, since the details of the topiary peacock, the fence in front of Peacock Cottage and the thatching of the cottages are the same in both photographs.  Peacock Cottage is now divided into two dwellings, whereas earlier it was three. 

The second old photograph shows part of the the shop front before it was rebuilt in the 1930s and in 1949. We can see from the advertisement that Lyons’ tea was on sale there.

Dyke’s Corner, about 1930 (1). BVHS archive.

Dyke’s Corner, about 1930 (2). Historic England archive.

Dyke’s Corner, 16 October 2022. DJ.

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